Osteopathie Bern Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Scope of application

This privacy policy informs users about the nature, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the responsible Osteopathie Bern – Johanna Sitaras.

The legal basis for data protection can be found in the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (TMG).

Access data/ Server log files

The provider (or his web space provider) collects data on every access to the offer (so-called server log files). The access data includes:

Name of the website accessed, file, date and time of access, amount of data transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the users operating system, referrer URL (the
previously visited page), IP address and the requesting provider.

The provider uses the log data only for statistical evaluations for the purpose of the operation, security and optimisation of the offer. However, the provider reserves the right to check the log data
subsequently if there is a justified suspicion of unlawful use on the basis of concrete indications.

Handling of personal data

Personal data is information that can be used to identify a person, i.e. information that can be traced back to a person. This includes the name, e-mail address or telephone number. Personal data is only collected, used and passed on by the provider if this is permitted by law or the user consents to the collection of the data.


When contacting the provider (for example via contact form or e-mail), the users details are stored for the purpose of processing the enquiry and in the event that follow-up questions arise.

Integration of third-party services and content

It may happen that third-party content, such as videos from YouTube, maps from Google Maps, RSS feeds or graphics from other websites, are integrated within this online offer. This always assumes
that the providers of this content (hereinafter referred to as third-party providers) are aware of the IP address of the user. Without the IP address, they could not send this content to the browser of the
respective user. The IP address is therefore necessary for the presentation of this content. We endeavour to only use content whose respective providers only use the IP address to deliver the content.

However, we have no influence if the third-party providers store the IP address, e.g. for statistical purposes. Insofar as this is known to us, we inform the users about it.


Cookies are small files that make it possible to store specific, device-related information on the user’s access device (PC, smartphone or similar). On the one hand, they serve the user-friendliness of
websites and thus the users (e.g. storage of login data). On the other hand, they serve to collect statistical data on website use and to be able to analyse it for the purpose of improving the offer. Users can influence the use of cookies. Most browsers have an option to restrict or completely prevent the storage of cookies. However, it is pointed out that the use and in particular the user comfort will be restricted without cookies.

The following cookie(s) are used on this website:

pll_language stores the language used on the website. This website is available in German and English. The cookie expires automatically after 1 year.


Data provided via registration on this website is used purely for communication purposes by Osteopathie Bern – Johanna Sitaras. For further information, please contact the operator directly.

One Doc Online Booking – Data Protection Statement

Source: https://privacy.onedoc.ch/de/privacy-policy, Originally in German, translation via deepl.com 

Charter on the Protection of Health Data for Patients

Version of 10.07.2022

Our commitments to protect your personal health information. Information that affects your health is personal. You expect it to be protected and want to know exactly where it is, who can access it and how it is being used. Privacy is a fundamental right and one of OneDoc's core values. For this reason, we have decided to publish this Charter, which sets out our
commitments to protect your personal health data.

We comply with Swiss and European requirements for the protection of personal health data, in particular the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA).

We have chosen to host our services in data centres located exclusively in Switzerland. That is why we are proud to carry the label swiss made software, hosted in Switzerland. We do everything we can to ensure the security of your personal health data. We are certified according to VDSZ and ISO27001. We carry out recurring security tests with specialised third-party companies to ensure the effectiveness of the measures taken (penetration tests). Your personal health data is encrypted before it is stored in our data centres. We do not use your personal health data for advertising purposes or to sell services. There is no business model associated with it at OneDoc.

Your personal health information is confidential: it is only for you and your health professional. No one at OneDoc has access to it unless your healthcare professional has requested it for maintenance or support services on their OneDoc software. In such situations, we always act under their supervision and in full knowledge of the facts: our employees are contractually bound to respect
medical confidentiality and the Federal Data Protection Act (DPA). You can delete your OneDoc account and the associated personal data at any time. For more information on our data protection activities, please see our Data Protection Policy (https://privacy.onedoc.ch/de/privacy-policy)

Data Protection Statement Aerztekasse (Billing Organisation):

Patient Flyer link: https://www.aerztekasse.ch/media/broschuere_information_patienten.pdf

Data protection and transparency – Originally in German, translated via deepl.com

Does the doctor’s practice have to inform me that the bill will come from the health insurance fund, i.e. that my data will be forwarded?

In principle, you must always be informed in advance when medical data leave the practice. Medical practices that work together with the health insurance fund usually inform their patients
when they register for the first time (patient registration form).

Can I see my medical history at my doctor’s practice?

Yes. If you wish, you can also discuss the documents and entries in your file with your doctor.

Data processing by the health insurance fund is data-protection compliant. The health insurance fund processes all data in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations. Data is only passed on to third parties on behalf of the customer, i.e. your service provider. Any other transfer of client or patient data is generally not possible due to the applicable contractual and regulatory provisions. For example, on behalf of the service provider, only the address data, the invoice or treatment date and the amount of the claim are disclosed to the commissioned collection agency. The actual invoice is not forwarded.

Data protection officer gave the health insurance fund good marks The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) examined the doctor’s insurance fund’s compliance with data protection as part of a fact-finding investigation. The investigation was concluded without any further measures or adjustments being recommended or demanded with regard to compliance with data protection. At the suggestion of the FDPIC, the patient information section of the website was expanded. There you will now find the general terms and conditions, processing regulations, contracts and provisions relevant to the processing of patient data.